Nothing too special about this post. As yet, no great amount of leaves crunching under my feet as I walk along a well-traveled path in northeast Georgia. Perhaps all of this will change by this weekend. The leaves are turning near Unicoi State Park, which means in the higher elevations there is much more color.
Late summer flowers still linger, and there is also plenty of evidence that fall campers are out in full force. The parks in northeast Georgia are full.
Cocoa and Chip “check” out the registration table at Unicoi’s visitors center. “Checking” is a command that they learned pretty quickly. They walk up to something, give it a quick “check,” and then walk away. . . . that is if all goes well.
I just had to stop and “check” this tree. It is an enormous Long Needle Pine that towered over a section of the trail we were hiking.
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