We hiked this trail a couple of years ago and I found that I had not posted the photos. This is a longer trail but not difficult! It’s near Highlands, North Carolina and is beautiful.

Notice that we had snow on the ground! Wessy loved it; and while the snow clung to the winter ground, we were warm enough in sweat shirts and light jackets.

My little Wessy learning how to walk with her e-collar.

She always stops and looks for me to catch up!

Proof that wild bears do live in the woods!

Those awe inspiring rhododendron tunnels!

Finally, we hit the first overlook: rocky and beautiful!

More views! I had forgot how beautiful this area is!

Dramatic view and Anne.

Coats off and Wessy at the top!

We had to keep a tight lead on Wes. She’s an explorer!

This section of the Scaly Mountain Trail crosses the Bartram Trail. Special to be able to do this!