God really knows how to replace what the locust have “eaten away.” The other verse we could quote is 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “Faithful is He who calls you and He also will bring it to pass.” My heart is overflowing with His goodness, and we are weeks away from Christmas. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I helped to decorate two Christmas trees, and I have one more to go in Atlanta! Last year, I didn’t really care if a single tree made it into a Christmas tree stand. Dad was dying, and I was traveling back and forth to Atlanta as I tried to adjust to a new job. This year the rest and peace is so striking that I hardly know what to do with them.

The quiet reflections of hope in a friend’s window at her lake house. We can always use a little hope, especially Christmas hope, tucked away in our hearts—not just for this time of year but for every day throughout every year.