These mighty columns stood tall throughout World War Two and expecially through the Blitz when Germany pounded London with bombs by night. “The climax raid of these weeks came once more to London, on Sunday, December 29. All the painfully gathered German experience was expressed on this occasion. It was an incendiary classic. The weight of the attack was concentrated upon the City of London itself. It was timed to meet the dead-low-water hour. The water mains were broken at the outset by very heavy high-explosive parachute mines. Nearly fifteen hundred fires had to be fought. The damage to railway stations and docks was serious. Eight Wren (master architect Sir. Christopher Wren) churches were destroyed or damaged. The Guildhall was smitten by fire and blast, and St. Paul’s Cathedral was only saved by heroic exertions. A void of ruin at the very centre of the British world gaped upon us, but when the King and Queen visited the scene they were received with enthusiasm far exceeding any Royal festival.” Taken from Memories of The Second World War by Winston S. Churchill