I’m pretty sure that the same thing that attracts me to this historic fire tower is the same thing that attracts me to lighthouses. I remember how seeing the Cape Hatress lighthouse for the first time, took my breath away. Some of these towers do the same thing. Many are not open. Occasionally, you find one that is—either on purpose or by mistake.

I found Long Mountain Tower open probably by mistake. It is in a very isolated location off South Carolina Highway 107. We were able to enter the cab—something that I have wanted to do forever. It is somewhat like stepping back in time. These towers are places where lookouts spent hours and days watching for forest fires. It had to be lonely at times and maybe even frightening.

It was windy the day we visited and it was not a planned visit. I was hunting for a certain waterfall that was listed in my guide book to all the waterfalls in SC. A small side note stated that there was a nearby fire tower and I immediately changed my plans.

Long Mountain Tower is located in Oconee County, South Carolina’s Sumter National Forest. It was built in 1935 and has a 7’x7′ metal cab with a low hip roof and an atypical window configuration.

It was used by the Forest Service up until the 1980s and is listed on National Historic Lookout Register. Enjoy the photos!


So, I was excited to be in an abandoned fire tower cab! LOL! I’m such a “cheap” adventurer. Since having cancer, being able to do small things like this brings so much happiness. What would have been better? To have all my friends with me!

Somewhere out there is North Carolina and the Blue Ridge Parkway!

Pat loved the windows and opened and closed them. Of course, vandals had long ago knocked all the glass out.

On this day, wind rushed through the cab and I admit feeling a little apprehensive about climbing back down. Honestly, it was easier going down than coming up!

This was the view I had going down and looking back into the cab.

Wooden steps up—you have to wonder how long this tower will be accessible?
