It is really hard to dislike Atlanta on certain days. This was one of those days. You’re downtown in an area that once was as familiar as the back of your hand, and the sun is shining and it is warm and everyone on the street is behaving and being nice. Suddenly, life is fun and young and bright. The fact is that when you realize just how far this city has come, you think: “I could put the kayak away and live here.” That is my personal Tale of Two Cities.

The best of times equals all the conveniences that are here along with the culture and the shopping environment and my city friends—those who love to call and go out for dinner and linger long over good conversations. And then there are the places where you walk your dog but have to have a doggie poopy bag. That’s living in the city.

So I live in flux where I miss my personal view of cows and deer and fox along with the open spaces and the deep blues of the evening sky over the lake and the mountains and everything else that I can put into a run on sentence. My heart beats for the mountains, but I live in one of the most populated cities in the country.

In northeast Georgia, strangers talk on and on about everyday life. But here you learn to walk quickly—not casually or taking time to nod even to strangers along the way.

There’s a Waffle House in northeast Georgia, but this is a shiny new digital WH—with hot spots and in and outdoor seating. Window glazing is on the front—worthy of a photograph. It is hard to choose which is best. I can plug up my laptop here and even work. In northeast Georgia if you go to WH, you are sure to hear about everyone’s momma and aunt and uncle, grandson, and daughter. It is a family thing.

Max, with Nine Line Video, lives in Chattanooga, and he isn’t worried about the city or the country. He’s already told me, “I made my choice. There’s no way I would live in Atlanta.” He moved from here and I think he is happy right where he is and he is a hundred years younger than me!

Yet, it is hard not to feel your heart pumping with energy when you hear all that is being done from a technology standpoint. The city can be electrifying. . . . My silly tale of two cities.

God always places us where we can be most effective and that is that. Erin the young woman leading this interview is a GT grad and everyone else in the room is young and bright. How amazing it is for me to work with this group and market our company and product. And then it happens . . . I think of Chipley and his love for cows. Oh, cows!

Suddenly my “Tale” takes a turn and I’m back in northeast Georgia and in the mountains and back . . . with cows! That’s a small part of my two city tale—here or there. Today or yesterday. Tomorrow or when? The very best of times and the worst of times. (smile)

Loving cows and

loving a perfect setting for the Tale of My Two Cities.