Cocoa got her stitches out yesterday and then I took her to see her trainer at Dog School 101. What a treat that was for her and for Sandy, who still remembers her as a “wild child” and the puppy that had to repeat kindergarten!! Today, she is  a Delta Society dog that can visit hospitals and senior living facilities.

Sandy asked if we were ready to start “visiting” these places again. She knows a lady at Kennestone Hospital that wants a therapy dog to come by to see the patients, who are recovering or in therapy. I had to think about it for a minute. We haven’t done this for the past three years while we were in Toccoa. But I believe it is worth a try, especially after a quick refresher class with Sandy or Xalina. Cocoa loves to work, and she loves people so we need to find a way to let her give back some of what has been given to her—lots of love and caring.

Chip is another story. . . . Actually, he is a “novel” in the making! He is so loved, and he is just a sensitive dog. There are things that frighten him that would never phase Cocoa. So Sandy signed him up for a class called, “Nose-to-Nose.” He loves to please people but just gets his cues all mixed up. In this photo he is smiling for the camera while Cocoa refuses to pose. She knows exactly what she is doing.

No joke. I told her, “If you will get your photo taken then I’ll give you a treat.” She instantly turned and looked up at me! She listens and then she decides . . . . Thus the reason for a “refresher” class.