I discovered two things about Colonial Williamsburg: one the people who work here love their jobs. At least that is what comes across and the second thing is that they really get into their characters. Oh and there is a third thing: they know a lot of history.

Fact is everyone up here knows an outrageous amount of history and they talk confidently.

This is a great for place for young children who love history, especially American history. This area—the Historical Triangle which includes Jamestown, Yorktown, and Williamsburg—is where it all began.

This lady was cooking meals for the guys in the armory. It was turkey stew and the guys were going to have to eat it literally morning, noon, and night because America was in the middle of fighting for its independence from Great Britain.

Low light was everywhere. It hit me in the middle of trying to take photos just how dark the rooms in these buildings were. It was all about focusing in very low light. The Colonist had candles but craftsmen often worked next to windows just so they could see better. This guy told us that wealth was measured in silver. Spoons and forks and knifes were money. If you needed a silver coin, you went to the silversmith and had a handle cut off. The utensil then would be reshaped—shorter and less valuable. Interesting.

The blacksmith: maker of locks, tools, weapons, and horseshoes. It seems that the biggest mistake the British made was letting the Colonists have fire. (smile)

And another mistake that made its way into the Constitution was the right to bear arms. This guy is a gun builder.

And this woman had just received news that she may receive her freedom.

The shoemaker kept everyone fit in leather.

A quill pen was all the Colonists had to use to pen important documents.

And these guys really do march down the streets straight through horse poop without missing a beat or note.

I tossed this photo in just to say, “Yes, there are lots of carriages, and horses, and cows, and sheep, and ducks, too!” Parents: you could almost skip Disney World and go to Colonial Williamsburg. The city leaders have found an exciting way to address the education of youth.