Chipley made it through his first day at Dog School 101. Even though he is just ten weeks old, he is not too young to spend the day with his trainers Sandy and Xalina and to meet his stiffest competition Prince Bronson, who up to this point still owns Princess Cocoa Joy’s heart. Why did he risk life and limb by venturing into the world of grown up dogs and humans, who oogled over his every move? There is only one reason: to learn a new way to win the fair maiden’s heart. Can he do it? Will there be a way for him to edge out the handsome and richly endowed Bronson? Prince Chipley believes he can, and he is willing to wager a week’s worth of puppy chow to prove it. . . . Did he say a “week’s worth”? Well, maybe, just a day’s worth would be better.
Sir Chipley
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About the Author: AR
Author, Editor, Photographer, and Adventurer!
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