Up Rabun Bald again! This is from a few weeks ago. I’m behind on my posts maybe because I have a new puppy, who is pulling on me 24/7.

My story: Beth had never been to the top of Rabun Bald, and I said, “Let’s  do it!” I had no idea what we were in for. Let’s just say that I’m  grateful that I had purchased Yaktrax at Mountain Crossings a couple of days earlier because the trail was snowy and there was a lot of ice on the ground!

I knew this hike had at least three major switchbacks that are always wet. This time they were solid ice (!)—maybe two to three inches thick! At the lower levels, we started off with snow only.

In fact, we were able to make great time but then we hit ice! It was so difficult that I had to put the camera up and then keep hiking. In some places, we had to take shortcuts around the ice!

We welcomed the sight of familiar areas like this—where you tunnel your way through a rhododendron forest. Beautiful!

I know this looks like nothing, but it was something slick! Lenea and I were so grateful to have chains on our shoes!! Those saved us!

Always when I reach this point, I think: How much further? Someone has carved a sign that says .7 miles but it felt like more than that because on this day, there was so much ice!

Passing signage that helped urge us on! . . . Keep on hiking!!

One of the views from the top. I was getting used to a new manual lens, so my photos are limited. Just take my word for it. The views are excellent—so find a way to hike to the top of Rabun Bald!

Of course, notice the setting sunlight. Does this mean we hiked back in darkness again? Absolutely! We have used our headlamps at least three times this year already! It never is a planned thing.

I was having so much trouble with the focus on the camera and the new lens that I just turned this one into a B&W. I’m well on my way to mastering this lens now. Still, it is a fun photo of these two. No photos on the way down . . . we tried unsuccessfully to beat the approaching darkness—again!