We really got a kick out of the very senior citizen, who collected our fee at Brasstown Bald—the highest point in Georgia. She popped a minnow net in the driver’s window and instructed us to put our fee inside it. Then she told us that the climb “will hurt our hearts going up and our legs coming down.” LOL! She was cute, and I’m sure she was in her 80’s, which gives me hope that I can continue to work for a long time.

Actually, we easily made it to the top—almost a mile—straight up.

I took a day off from being with my Mom, who has been in the hospital almost three weeks. I’m tired folks.

Of course, this is a Trillium, but I looked up the kind and it is a “Painted Trillium.” It was beautiful.

Then we climbed the tower and were literally on the top of Georgia!