When I left my office on Friday, a co-worker asked, “What is Cocoa going to do this weekend?” I smiled and said, “We’ll think of something.” But I didn’t know what that “something” would be. A remodeling project that was supposed to end a couple of weeks ago was dragging on. Plus, tropical storm Fay was threatening to move north bringing buckets of rain to our area (or at least this is what we hoped would happen). So Saturday came and Cocoa did not have a planned adventure in the works. She chased a squirrel around the backyard until it was delirious with fear. She sat patiently beside me as I painted baseboards in the new office area, but that was certainly a lackluster job. And to add insult to the waning situation, she had been banished to the den after flopping down on the freshly grouted tile floor. Saturday was a wash and Sunday was not looking much better.

By Sunday afternoon she had given up. I was held up with the computer writing madly and trying to catch up on some work. Storm clouds were rolling in, and all Miss Cocoa could do was take a nap.

Every few minutes, she opened her eyes and looked up to see what was going on . . . nothing much from a doggie perspective.

PJ the cat dropped in and together they watched to see what the birds were doing in the yard in-between rain showers. There were no butterflies to chase, no rocks to pick up, and no wasps to snap. Drat. It was a rainy, rainy, afternoon.

Just when it seemed nothing good would ever happen again, the kitchen came alive with activity. It was time to bake cookies for Miss Opal and all her friends. Guess who got to help lick the beaters? (And yes, they were immediately washed and sanitized.)

Then it was time to place the trays in the oven, but not all at once—one at at time. And Cocoa was content to watch the oven door to make sure the job was done right. (Notice the chocolate head in the center of the photograph.)

After one tray was removed, another was prepared until all the cookies were done. Whew, this was certainly a hard job. Wonder if Johanna had this much trouble helping her Mommy?

After it was all over, Cocoa realized that being at home could be a good adventure. Who needs long winding paths to follow every day? Being with family and friends and especially good neighbors are the best things that life has to offer, and this is what Cocoa did this past weekend. (smile)