It seems that rain has chased us for a few weekends. Friday comes and so does the rain!

Last Saturday, we decided to climb a mountain regardless of the weather.
I remember a few summers back having to do the same thing! We carried rain gear with us wherever we went. Green Knob Fire Tower is a good example. I’m so glad I have my website Cococa Smiles because it is an archive of all that I have done over the past 15 years or so.

Wessy loves running a few feet in front of me and then stopping to see if I’m coming. I’m always pretty close behind calling her back.

Wide angel lenses always make her look further away. Actually, she loves being with her pack. She likes to be the first one out of the gates but the one that watches over all the rest and never left behind!

Actually, the mountains are beautiful in the rain. Thankfully, on this day, we dodged raindrops and enjoyed a wonderful hike to a familiar spot on the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina: the Albert Mountain Fire Tower!

Scary! The fire tower steps have gotten worn from use or maybe I’m worn from use! At any rate, they are safe and strong!

I love the views from these towers along the AT!

Look who is waiting for me below, and look who is frustrated that she didn’t get to climb the steps with me!

I believe Wessy could go up the steps; they are fenced but I’m not sure she could get down without falling.

The mountains are green now though still a little light green hanging on.

Pat still loves the climb. She is pretty good shape now. In fact, we all are doing pretty well. This mountain once
“tried” my strength but now it is just a very pleasant hike up!

And before you know it, it’s time to go back following the white blazes.