Such a familiar scene. Notice that because of all the rain, photos are now being taken inside! This is of the Old Sautee Store, of course. They keep a fire going in the fireplace all winter. In fact, when we walked in a woman, who worked there was tossing another log on the fire. By the time we left, I was super tempted to toss one on myself. Who knows just how much this old fireplace can take!
I just realized that I have never photographed the new portion of the store. The front section is full of antiques, but the new part has all sorts of things—hiking clothes and warmer outerwear and shoes. We found sweaters and warm shirts on sale this day.

I’ve written about these wooden Indians before. They are real and original to the old trading store. Anne is peeking out from behind one. I guess they are one of my favorite things in northeast Georgia.

The shelves of the old store are still stocked with items—some I remember my grandmother having.

I could pickup each one of these and look at it. I just never get tired of visiting this store. And the guy who owns it loves to see us come through the door!

A quick run back alongside the Soque River and then off to grab a

photograph of cows grazing at a huge area farm. The rain had stopped for a moment. Then home to rest and shut myself in and away from all the on-coming winter weather!
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