Boo humbug! Here’s a set of work photos—something I rarely do, but CDH Partners (where I work in marketing) is the design firm for the historical Friendship Baptist Church in Atlanta. This is the church that was displaced because of the location of the new Falcons stadium. Now that all the paperwork has been signed and both projects are going forward, I’m have the opportunity to follow the construction of the new church. Clearing the chosen property is one of the first steps. This week, we returned to the site where Friendship will be built.

When I took this photo, I was probably standing in what will become a courtyard area. I always wonder what went on inside a building, especially a theological college.

I never dreamed a few years ago that I would go from marketing for a Christian college in rural northeast Georgia to marketing for an architectural firm in metro Atlanta. God’s ways lead along some crazy paths. But the journeys He choose for us to travel are never dull.

I keep running into toy vehicles like these on various job sites. I probably should start to bring them home to Cocoa and Chip! Chip’s ride would be the one on the left and Cocoa’s, of course, would be the pink one on the right.

And here’s part of Atlanta’s skyline. Yep; I’m back in the city—back in the traffic and back in race!