I walked out on the soccer field this morning (in flip flops — smiling) just to try to get a handle on how to photograph sports again. It has been awhile since I have been on any sports field. But I need to get photos put on our flickr site for the students to view. So, here’s my first one. . . . Somehow, I sense “Coach Anaya” just shaking his head: a photograph of one sock up and one sock down. Don’t worry. I took photos of the other players and even the “goal guy.” More a little later. I added the one below because it was just too fun to leave out.
Soccer @ TFC!
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About the Author: AR
Author, Editor, Photographer, and Adventurer!
I cant believe that I have to teach my own “Aunt” Angie soccer terms. The goal guy is the goalkeeper. Easy enough? Think Harry Potter’s Quidditch. I can’t wait to see some more soccer pics.
Thanks Megan for writing! Are you sure he/she is not “the goalie”? Laughing. Thanks for sitting me straight. And more soccer photos are coming. Our field really took a hit because of the flooding. But I think it is playable now. We have games scheduled for this week. Take care and give the baby a kiss for me.