Before I left town last Saturday I asked Cocoa who she thought would win Best in Show at The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. She said she really did not know, but she believed it would be another Spaniel! James, the Springer Spaniel won two years ago. She was right! Below is a photo of Stump, a ten-year old Sussex Spaniel, who won Best in Show on Tuesday evening. Judging from Cocoa’s photo above: she needs her ears brushed! But then this picture was taken immediately following a mad dash around the oak tree in hot pursuit of a wayward squirrel. (Notice that her eyes are still “trained” on the tree trunk.)
A Spaniel Wins Again!
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About the Author: AR
Author, Editor, Photographer, and Adventurer!
I heard a story this morning about a talking dog — reminded me of you, Cocoa. Not only did he talk, but he gave his owner tidbits of relevant information that proved to be profitable (as opposed to prophetic). In any case, I’m quite sure “Pete” was a Spaniel as well.
Good job with the squirrels — don’t let Mom comb your ears too often — the squirrels will start to tease you.
Okay, Cocoa. What do you really think of Chip?
Okay . . . I haven’t told Cocoa all about Chip yet. I’m breaking the news to her a little bit at the time, but I’m trusting that she will love him. He will be home with her in about three weeks.