I’ve been sick for days and finally this afternoon I decided it was time to get out of the house. I grabbed the dogs and we went for a favorite ride in the mountains. It’s only about 20 minutes from where we live and each time I go there I end up thinking, “This is one of the reasons I live here! It’s beautiful!”
On the way up the trail that leads to Minnehaha Falls, we stopped by a fast moving stream that is always clear and cold. Chip was not with us at this point so we didn’t have yell for him to “Stay out of the water!” He loves mountains streams. . . . Fact is: He loves water! Period.
After a very short walk, we were at the base of the falls, and Cocoa actually posed for a photo though she was intent on keeping an eye on her surroundings. We were in a dense section of hardwoods, and whenever we are alone and not with a group, she becomes very responsible for me. I notice her loyalty step up a notch and her sense of protection kick in. Have I said that I love her lately? I do. She is just a great dog.
This set of falls is one of the most visited in northeast Georgia. It’s located near Lake Rabun and not difficult to find. You can Google it. In fact, there is a trail marker near the small parking area. Almost anyone can make this walk. It’s just not difficult. Today, I noticed a lot of work had been done in the area. Some undergrowth had been removed making it feel much more open and safe.
A pathway like this one winds through the forest to the falls and back to the trail head.
And then there is Bear Gap. We love this area because it is so dense with hardwoods and truly is a favorite place for bears to hang out. I have no idea if any of them actually did take the winter off. Since spring is almost in full swing, I would think it’s also time for baby bear cubs to appear.
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